Barcacion (バルカシオン Barukashion?) is a secondary character of the anime series The Heroic Legend of Arslan. He is a Lusitanian Count and officers and the Commander of the Fortress of Saint Emmanuel. Back in Lusitania, he was the Chief Royal Librarian.
He has brown sideburn, white hair, white eyebrow and is nearly bald.
Baracion doesn't appears to share the fanatical side of the Yaldaboth faith. He showed restraint from participating in unnecessary battle as he was not a Military man.
He commits suicide shortly after Zabul Fortress is retaken by the Parsians. Arslan attempts to save him, to no avail.
Etoile is Baracion's squire. Barcacion seems to keep Etoile away from fights and cares about his squire.
- "O Kindhearted heathen Prince... be that as it may, it is something is cannot be stopped. Such is the nature of faith".
- He appears to be a friend of Etoile's Grandfather.