The Heroic Legend of Arslan Wiki
2013 Manga
OVA Series
1991 Manga
Novel Series

Bodin (ボダン Bodan? ) is one of the secondary characters of the novel series The Heroic Legend of Arslan. He is the Grand Inquisitor and Archpriest of Lusitania, and a servant of[Lusitania's God Yaldabaoth.


He is described as a short man in black.


Bodin is a fiendish fanatic and bloodthirsty believer of Yaldabaoth, who uses his position and power to indiscriminately kill slaves and all those deemed as heathens to his faith. He does not hesitate to show his opposition to Innocentius' wedding with Tahamine for being an unbeliever, threatening him indirectly and in his presence.

Bodin is ruthless and without mercy, as he tortured Pars's Marzban Shapur during the siege of Ecbatana.

The only part which is stated as not a bad point of his personality is that he is against extravagance.

In The Story[]

After Ecbatana's fall, he executed large number of Parsian citizens and burnt and destroyed documents and objects that had no relation with the teaching of Yaldabaoth. However, his use of the power led to a conflict between Guiscard and him. Bodin baricaded himself in Zabul Castle with his army. However, the castle fell when Hilmes attacked with Sam's tactics. Bodin managed to escape to Maryam.

In Maryam, he again started executing people who do not believe Yaldabaoth and with his power, he conducted a reign of terror. However, Guiscard reached Maryam after being defeated by Pars. At first, Bodin managed to wall him in a dungeon, but Guiscard succeed in gaining his followers and as he is far more skilled as a governor and a commander, Bodin lost in a battle and was captured. Considering Bodin's religious position, Guiscard couldn't execute Bodin officially. Thus, he secretly killed him. Guiscard let executers crush Bodin's skull alive and fed his crocodiles with the body. 

After that, Estelle and Parahuda were falsely accused for murdering Bodin.


  • Bodin might have been named after the parish of Bodin in Nordland, Norway, or after Jean Bodin.



e d v
Camp of Arslan
Humans: AlfarīdArslanDaryunElamFarangisGieveJaswantJimsaNarsusZaravant
Animals: AzraelBaharamKayvanShabrangSorush
Camp of Hilmes
Humans: HilmesSāmZandeh
Kingdom of Pars
Humans: Andragoras IIIArslanBahmanDaryunEsfanFarangisGarshasphGotarzes IIHodirJamshidKaykhusrawKhayrKishwardKhurupKubardKushaetaHusrabManuchurchNarsusLucianOsroes VRukhamShagadShapurTahamineTusZaravantVahriz
Animals: AzraelShabrangSorush
Empire of Lusitania
Humans: ArzhangBarcacionBaudouinBodinEtoileGuiscardHildigoInnocentius VIIKharlanMontferratPedelausSāmSilvermaskXandes
Kingdom of Sindhura
Humans: AsangaAravaliBahadurBaripadaDaravadaGadheviGauvinJaswantKarikala IIKunthavaiMahendraNatapulNawadaPalvaniParPradalataPrakeshinPrajiyaRajendraSalimaTaara
Kingdom of Turan
Humans: IlterishJimsaTokhtamysh
Zot Clan
Humans: AlfarīdHeyrtashMerlane