The Heroic Legend of Arslan Wiki
The Heroic Legend of Arslan Wiki
OVA Series
1991 Manga

Ester/Estelle (エステル Esuteru? ) used the name Etoile (エトワール Etowāru? ) to pose as a male soldier. She was a young soldier from Lusitania.


2013 Manga and Anime[]

Etoile as he first appears in the 2015 anime

Etoile is a young girl the same age as Arslan. In the manga and anime, she has short messy blonde hair and caramel eyes with noticeable eyelashes.

Now a soldier herself, her outfit consists of the standard Lusitanian soldier uniform. She sports a chain mail cloak, covering her whole head and neck but leaving her face exposed. On top of her head she wears a simple metal helmet, much like other Lusitanian soldiers that covers her current long blonde hair.

OVA Series[]

In the OVA, she is depicted with long brown hair cut in straight bangs and light purple eyes. She wears a sleeveless purple tunic over a white shirt. She also wears a yellow cloth on her waist, violet arm warmers and a red headscarf fastened with a blue jewel-like brooch, along with a metal helmet and shoulder pads.


Etoile is a tough and stubborn female, being a firm Yaldabaoth believer. She is also shown to be gullible, believing in ridiculous rumors about Prince Arslan, such as him having horns. Despite being brash and hot-headed, she is shown to be good-mannered and kind compared to other Lusitanians. She despises the idea of unarmed women and children getting needlessly hurt, even if they are from an enemy nation.

Despite being close to Count Barcacion, Etoile is shown to be rather lacking in social skills (even with her fellow Lusitanians). Even though she claims to value her fellow knights, she prefers acting alone and not getting others involved. She is not used to asking others for help or for others to help her merely because they wish to, as shown when Elam gives aid to her by providing medical assistance to someone which leaves her flustered and embarrassed.

Having lived her life masquerading as a male as well as being in the company of males for so very long, Etoile was initially uneasy in the presence of other women such as Alfreed and Farangis. Later on, Alfreed and Farangis developed a sister-like bond towards Etoile. She also does not care to be reminded of her gender as she sees it as being looked down upon.

As a religious patriotic soldier, Etoile initially refused to believe Arslan's claims that her country's leaders were taking advantage of her country’s teachings for the sake of their own greed and ambitions by abusing the name of Yaldabaoth; even believing the claims that the Maryam invasion was justified because of how the way Maryam served Yaldabaoth was supposedly wrong. After being involved with one of Guiscard's failed assassination attempts on Innocentis VII, where Etoile had experienced one of her political leaders' conspiracies first hand, and was even branded as a traitor to her country for following blindly Guiscard's orders which forced her to escape an unjust execution given to her, Etoile came to accept that Arslan's claims were correct and understood the wrongdoings done by her nation.



She kidnaps Arslan, thinking that he is "the pampered son of a prominent family," without realizing that Arslan is actually the prince of Pars. She escapes in the first episode, being almost killed by an arrow that Daryun shot, but Daryun missed due to Arslan distracting him. Arslan and Etoile reunite after three years[1], Etoile becoming a page under lord Guiscard, the younger brother of Innocentis VII, the king of Lusitania. She was searching for her friends that were taken as slaves the same time she was, but finds out from Arslan that they were killed after Etoile escaped[2]. After learning the fate of her friends, Etoile doesn't threaten Arslan, but instead gives him a Bible of Lusitania, and tells him that if he converts, she will welcome Arslan to the castle and even treat him to dinner. They later meet again as Etoile infiltrates Peshawar, posing as a maiden. Arslan helps her leave the citadel, not recognizing her as the Lusitanian boy. Although she still thinks of him as a heathen, Etoile begins having second thoughts after he explains his desire to help the country of Pars. She seems to care about him to an extent of warning him not to lose his life in the war and praying for his safety or not fighting him in the future.

On Narsus's lecture about destiny, he mentioned that fates are synonymous to stars - there are numerous, and Arslan should be the one to decide which path to take. This may hint something towards Etoile, as her name translates to "star" in French. Furthermore, Etoile was the reason why Arslan wanted to free the slaves.


It was hinted that she was raised by Barcacion. Although she sees him as a commanding officer, Barcacion treats Etoile much like a granddaughter.

Arslan's Squad[]

While she was initially seen as an enemy, during her captivity after the fall of St. Emmanuel, Arslan's squad grew fond of her as she had shown likable traits befitting of someone genuine. Alfreed and Farangis, later on, developed a sisterly bond with her, despite their differences in beliefs and nationality.


"Etoile"/"Estelle" means "star" in French.

"Ester" is Old Persian for "star". Ester is the eponymous heroine of the seventeenth book of the Old Testament.



  1. chapter 17 (2013 manga)
  2. Episode 1

e d v
Camp of Arslan
Humans: AlfarīdArslanDaryunElamFarangisGieveJaswantJimsaNarsusZaravant
Animals: AzraelBaharamKayvanShabrangSorush
Camp of Hilmes
Humans: HilmesSāmZandeh
Kingdom of Pars
Humans: Andragoras IIIArslanBahmanDaryunEsfanFarangisGarshasphGotarzes IIHodirJamshidKaykhusrawKhayrKishwardKhurupKubardKushaetaHusrabManuchurchNarsusLucianOsroes VRukhamShagadShapurTahamineTusZaravantVahriz
Animals: AzraelShabrangSorush
Empire of Lusitania
Humans: ArzhangBarcacionBaudouinBodinEtoileGuiscardHildigoInnocentius VIIKharlanMontferratPedelausSāmSilvermaskXandes
Kingdom of Sindhura
Humans: AsangaAravaliBahadurBaripadaDaravadaGadheviGauvinJaswantKarikala IIKunthavaiMahendraNatapulNawadaPalvaniParPradalataPrakeshinPrajiyaRajendraSalimaTaara
Kingdom of Turan
Humans: IlterishJimsaTokhtamysh
Zot Clan
Humans: AlfarīdHeyrtashMerlane