The Heroic Legend of Arslan Wiki
The Heroic Legend of Arslan Wiki

Irina (イリーナ Irīna? ) was Princess of Maryam and the wife of Hilmes.


She was born as a second daughter of King Nicolaus and Queen Eleanor of Maryam. Due to an eye disease, she lived in an imperial villa to get medical treatment. There she met Hilmes.

When Lusitania invaded Maryam in P.E. 320, her parents were kept under house arrest. However, Bodin's men set fire to the palace with them inside and killed them against Guiscard's will. While they were having a conflict, Irina escaped with her sister, Militza, guarded by few servants. They defended themselves for two years in a castle near the inland sea of Darband. In spite of their effort, the castle was finally taken by Lusitania, and after letting Irina escape by ship, her sister threw herself off a tower.

Hearing news of brave travelers, people from Maryam pled Kubard and Merlane to defeat a Lusitanian troop.

After they unwillingly accepted the request and defeated them, Irina told them that she was looking for prince Hilmes. Merlane decided to help her and they started looking for him at Zabul following the information from Kubard.

While traveling, they happened to meet Hilmes and his camp. Hilmes, however, denied his identity and subsequently took off. Some time after that, Merlane and Irina were attacked and captured by Lusitanian soldiers. When this news reached Guiscard, he let Irina keep her self-defense knife in an attempt to have her kill Emperor Innocentius VII. The plan failed and she was sentenced to death at Peshawar. However, when Irina was about to be executed, Merlane appeared with an arrow aimed at Guiscard, threatening him to release Irina. Exactly at that moment, Hilmes broke through the security of Peshawar and then saved Irina. Subsequently, she came under Hilmes' protection in Zabul.

When Hilmes lost the purpose of his life and dismissed all of his subordinates, she stayed at his side and they started a new life in Turk.

Hilmes and Irina led a peaceful life for three years, but it suddenly ended when pregnant Irina passed away from illness in the year 324 of the Parsian Era.


Irina is a Slavic name, derived from Greek Eirene, meaning "peace."


d. 320
d. 320
293 - 325
d. 324
d. 320
unborn child



e d v
Camp of Arslan
Humans: AlfarīdArslanDaryunElamFarangisGieveJaswantJimsaNarsusZaravant
Animals: AzraelBaharamKayvanShabrangSorush
Camp of Hilmes
Humans: HilmesSāmZandeh
Kingdom of Pars
Humans: Andragoras IIIArslanBahmanDaryunEsfanFarangisGarshasphGotarzes IIHodirJamshidKaykhusrawKhayrKishwardKhurupKubardKushaetaHusrabManuchurchNarsusLucianOsroes VRukhamShagadShapurTahamineTusZaravantVahriz
Animals: AzraelShabrangSorush
Empire of Lusitania
Humans: ArzhangBarcacionBaudouinBodinEtoileGuiscardHildigoInnocentius VIIKharlanMontferratPedelausSāmSilvermaskXandes
Kingdom of Sindhura
Humans: AsangaAravaliBahadurBaripadaDaravadaGadheviGauvinJaswantKarikala IIKunthavaiMahendraNatapulNawadaPalvaniParPradalataPrakeshinPrajiyaRajendraSalimaTaara
Kingdom of Turan
Humans: IlterishJimsaTokhtamysh
Zot Clan
Humans: AlfarīdHeyrtashMerlane