The Heroic Legend of Arslan Wiki
The Heroic Legend of Arslan Wiki
2013 Manga
1991 Manga
Novel Series

Mahendra (マヘンドラ Mahendora? ) was the Hereditary Grand Vizier of the Kingdom of Sindhura and an ally of prince Gadhevi.


He had an earring and wore a light blue turban. He also had a black thin sideburn, a strange mustache and a full beard.


Not much is known about his personality, except that he appeared to be a calculating man who shew care towards his men.



Mahendra appeared to be a servant and confident of Gadhevi. However, he began to think that Gadhevi was unworthy of his loyalty after seeing his behavior during the battle of Chandigarh.


Jaswant was very loyal to Mahendra. The former considered the latter as his father and was deeply affected by his death, and reciprocally, Mahendra was ready to receive punishment from Gadhevi instead of having Jaswant being heavily punished.

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Camp of Arslan
Humans: AlfarīdArslanDaryunElamFarangisGieveJaswantJimsaNarsusZaravant
Animals: AzraelBaharamKayvanShabrangSorush
Camp of Hilmes
Humans: HilmesSāmZandeh
Kingdom of Pars
Humans: Andragoras IIIArslanBahmanDaryunEsfanFarangisGarshasphGotarzes IIHodirJamshidKaykhusrawKhayrKishwardKhurupKubardKushaetaHusrabManuchurchNarsusLucianOsroes VRukhamShagadShapurTahamineTusZaravantVahriz
Animals: AzraelShabrangSorush
Empire of Lusitania
Humans: ArzhangBarcacionBaudouinBodinEtoileGuiscardHildigoInnocentius VIIKharlanMontferratPedelausSāmSilvermaskXandes
Kingdom of Sindhura
Humans: AsangaAravaliBahadurBaripadaDaravadaGadheviGauvinJaswantKarikala IIKunthavaiMahendraNatapulNawadaPalvaniParPradalataPrakeshinPrajiyaRajendraSalimaTaara
Kingdom of Turan
Humans: IlterishJimsaTokhtamysh
Zot Clan
Humans: AlfarīdHeyrtashMerlane