The Heroic Legend of Arslan Wiki
The Heroic Legend of Arslan Wiki
2013 Manga
OVA Series
1991 Manga
Novel Series

Montferrat (モンフェラート Montferrat? ) was a Lusitanian General.


He has blond hair, blond eyebrows and a black beard in the Anime whereas he has long gray hair a gray mustache and in the OVA and look older.

He is usually seen wearing a Lusitanian army's uniform in the anime.


Baudouin is a believer in Yaldabaoth's faith, but he shows grief in killing civilians, including babies, stating that Yaldabaoth will not give his blessing to child killers. He has a darker side, in particular his sadistic smile when he thinks of the fate Innocentis will reserve to Tahamine.



Montferrat and his fellow general Baudouin are show to be friend.


After Hilmes capture Tahamine, Montferrat still seems to doesn't trust Hilmes, stating that Hermes's eyes behind his mask disturb him. In the original novel, Montferrat's younger brother was killed by Hilmes during the conflict between Guiscard and Bodin.



e d v
Camp of Arslan
Humans: AlfarīdArslanDaryunElamFarangisGieveJaswantJimsaNarsusZaravant
Animals: AzraelBaharamKayvanShabrangSorush
Camp of Hilmes
Humans: HilmesSāmZandeh
Kingdom of Pars
Humans: Andragoras IIIArslanBahmanDaryunEsfanFarangisGarshasphGotarzes IIHodirJamshidKaykhusrawKhayrKishwardKhurupKubardKushaetaHusrabManuchurchNarsusLucianOsroes VRukhamShagadShapurTahamineTusZaravantVahriz
Animals: AzraelShabrangSorush
Empire of Lusitania
Humans: ArzhangBarcacionBaudouinBodinEtoileGuiscardHildigoInnocentius VIIKharlanMontferratPedelausSāmSilvermaskXandes
Kingdom of Sindhura
Humans: AsangaAravaliBahadurBaripadaDaravadaGadheviGauvinJaswantKarikala IIKunthavaiMahendraNatapulNawadaPalvaniParPradalataPrakeshinPrajiyaRajendraSalimaTaara
Kingdom of Turan
Humans: IlterishJimsaTokhtamysh
Zot Clan
Humans: AlfarīdHeyrtashMerlane