The Heroic Legend of Arslan is an anime television series based on Arakawa's manga, the second manga adaptation which has been serialized in Bessatsu Shōnen Magazine since 2013, premiered on 5 April 2015. The first season had a run of 25 episodes. A second season aired in summer of 2016, from 3 July to 21 August.
In the prosperous kingdom of Pars lies the Royal Capital of Ecbatana, a city of splendor and wonder, ruled by the undefeated and fearsome King Andragoras. Arslan is the young and curious prince of Pars who, despite his best efforts, doesn't seem to have what it takes to be a proper king like his father.
At the age of 14, Arslan goes to his first battle and loses everything as the blood-soaked mist of war gives way to scorching flames, bringing him to face the demise of his once glorious kingdom. However, it is Arslan's destiny to be a ruler, and despite the trials that face him, he must now embark on a journey to reclaim his fallen kingdom.
List of episodes[]
→ Main article: List of Episodes
Japanese staff[]
- Director: Noriyuki Abe
- Series Composition: Makoto Uezu
- Music: Tarō Iwashiro
- Sound Director: Jin Aketagawa
- Sound Effects: Yasumasa Koyama
- Art Director: Tadashi Kudō
- Action Director: Satoshi Kimura
- Original creator: Hiromu Arakawa (manga); Yoshiki Tanaka (novel)
- Character Design: Kazuo Watanabe; Ushio Tazawa
Japanese cast[]
- Yoshimasa Hosoya as Daryun
- Yūsuke Kobayashi as Arslan
- Daisuke Namikawa as Narsus
- Kenn as Gieve
- Maaya Sakamoto as Farangis
- Natsuki Hanae as Elam
- Yūki Kaji as Hilmes
- Atsuko Tanaka as Tahamine
- Eizō Tsuda as Vahriz
- Hiroki Yasumoto as Kishward
- Katsuyuki Konishi as Shapur
- Kenta Miyake as Kubard
- Shirō Saitō as Bodin
- Takayuki Sugō as Andragoras III
- Takehito Koyasu as Guiscard
- Tōru Ōkawa as Kharlan
- Toshiharu Sakurai as Innocentis VII
- Yumi Uchiyama as Etoile
English staff[]
- ADR Director: Christopher Bevins
- Script: Bonny Clinkenbeard
- ADR Engineer: Dominique French
- Assistant ADR Director: Jeremy Inman
- Assistant ADR Engineer: Kevin Ussery
English cast[]
- Aaron Dismuke as Arslan
- Christopher Bevins as Narsus
- Jerry Jewell as Gieve
- Justin Briner as Elam
- Rachel Robinson as Farangis
- Ricco Fajardo as Daryun
- Vic Mignogna as Silver Mask
- Chris Ryan as Kubard
- Christopher R. Sabat as King Andragoras
- Clifford Chapin as Xandes
- Cole Brown as Vahriz
- Eric Vale as Guiscard
- Jarrod Greene as Kishward
- Jeremy Inman as Innocentis VII
- Josh Grelle as Shapur
- Kent Williams as Kharlan
- Mark Stoddard as Bodin
- Ryan Reynolds as Etoile
- Stephanie Young as Tahamine
- Brian Mathis as Garshasph (eps 5-6)
- Charlie Campbell as Bahman
- Chris Rager as Hodir (ep 10)
- Colleen Clinkenbeard as Fake Tahamine (ep 6)
- Jeffrey Schmidt as Sam (eps 5-6, 11)
- Mike McFarland as Narrarator
- Morgan Berry as Hilmes (young)
Openings and Ending themes[]
Season 1[]
- "Boku no Kotoba de wa Nai Kore wa Boku-tachi no Kotoba" by UVERworld
- "Uzu to Uzu" by NICO Touches the Walls
Season 2[]
- "Tsubasa" by Eir Aoi
Season 1[]
- "Lapis Lazuli" by Eir Aoi
- "One Light" by Kalafina
Season 2[]
- "blaze" by Kalafina
External Links[]
- Official website
- The Heroic Legend of Arslan at Anime News Network's encyclopedia